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Release Notes

Acoustic simulation suite - 23/07/2024

  • Search for projects and spaces on home page
  • Model appears in the center of the 3d viewport when loaded
  • Ability to select sources/receivers through outlines of surfaces when in 'Wireframe' display mode
Bug fixes
  • Fix wrong A-weighting constant for 1000 Hz band when calculating Open Office Parameters

Acoustic simulation suite - 09/07/2024

  • Ability to set default scattering when creating materials
  • Ability to upload a text file for absorption coefficiant when creating materials

Geometry Checking Service v1.9.1 - 26/06/2024

Bug fix
  • Ensure that a very big number of warnings returned by the checking service does not cause errors in SketchUp

Acoustic simulation suite - 11/06/2024

  • Ability to select target value / range when viewing surface receiver results
  • 'Created by' now shown when viewing Material details for user created Materials
  • 'Created by' now shown when viewing Source definition details for user created Source definitions
Bug fixes
  • Fix model not rendered when existing results from 'Report view'
  • Fix receiver proximity warnings not updating when source is deleted

Geometry Checking Service v1.8.8 - 06/06/2024

  • [DXF] Make it possible to import DXF files containing 3DFACE objects

Acoustic simulation suite - 29/05/2024

  • Shareable projects. The ability to share projects with members from your orginasation, allowing them to create or edit spaces and simulations within the project.

Acoustic simulation suite - 21/05/2024

  • Ability to select multiple layers and surfaces between two points by holding the SHIFT key, and assign the same material to the whole selection
  • Remove BETA tag from 'Import geometry' and rename it to 'Import model'. Model import updated with a new design including a model checking window with a dynamic 3D view, potential warnings and layer details.

SketchUp v1.6.2 - 16/05/2024

Bug fix
  • Reckon the latest release of SketchUp 2024 (2024.0.553) as compatible with Treble plugin (the underlying issues in the first version of SketchUp 2024 have been fixed)

Geometry Checking Service v1.8.5 - 14/05/2024

Bug fixes
  • Fix occasional failure when preparing geometries for transition frequency > 2Hz

Geometry Checking Service v1.8.2 - 02/05/2024

Bug fixes
  • Fix receivers wrongly enabled or disabled in cases wherein some inside elements are aligned with the outer walls
  • Fix import of files from the web app failing if the extension contains non-lowercase characters (model.DXF instead of model.dxf)

Acoustic simulation suite - 26/04/2024

  • Ability to select multiple layers and surfaces by holding the CTRL key (CMD on Mac), and assign the same material to the whole selection
Bug fixes
  • Fix source/receiver selection sometimes resetting when adding comparison of same simulation in Results

SketchUp v1.6.1 - 23/04/2024

  • Redirect users of SketchUp 2024 to using SketchUp 2023 due to this bug in SketchUp 2024. Fix is being implemented by the SketchUp team
Bug fixes
  • Fix occasional error when checking models wherein some faces are to be ignored
  • Fix occasional mixing of layers when a full layer was to be dismissed

Acoustic simulation suite - 08/04/2024

  • Ability to click the source marker in the Auralizer to change the camera to look at that source
  • Ability to delete user created source definitions
  • Admins can un-share user created materials and source definitions that have been shared with the organization
  • Added simulation runtime and 'completed at' date to the simulation selector in the Editor
Bug fixes
  • Fix mute button in Auralizer not updating when volume level changed
  • Fix discrepancy in Auralizer orientation controls
  • Fix Firefox repaint issue in Auralizer when switching between comparisons

Geometry Checking Service v1.8.1 - 25/03/2024

  • Improve feedback when DXF file contains non-supported geometry representations
Bug fixes
  • Fix failure when some input group IDs are completely ignored
  • Fix holes sometimes created by when cleaning overlapping faces

Acoustic simulation suite - 06/03/2024

  • Ability to download source model from model action menu
  • Implemented out of service page and service banners
  • Change the search in the material library to a a multi-word search
  • Lock the camera rotation when inside an Auralization so you can't rotate the camera over/under the axis

Geometry Checking Service v1.6.1 - 23/02/2024

Bug fixes
  • Fix layer of objects changed in some corners cases wherein overlapping faces are also intersected by another object.

SketchUp v1.6.0 - 15/02/2024

  • Make export for geometry check much faster
  • Do not run again geometry check if the geometry has not changed in a relevant way
Bug fixes
  • Previously uploaded geometry uploaded again if changes are made while the plugin is closed

Acoustic simulation suite - 22/02/2024

  • Added a table with the reverberation time estimates to the Editor
Bug fixes
  • Fix buggy behavior when switching between Results from Recent simulation sidepanel
  • Fix 'Clear' action in Auralizer preset not clearing everything as expected

Geometry Checking Service v1.6.0 - 15/02/2024

Bug fixes
  • [CheckingService] Fix occasional error when the model is not watertight

Geometry Checking Service v1.5.11 - 06/02/2024

Bug fixes
  • [CheckingService] Fix generic error message displaying 'Preprocessing'

Geometry Checking Service v1.5.10 - 01/02/2024

Bug fixes
  • [CheckingService] Handle better thin volumes intersecting or touching one another
  • [CheckingService] Return better error messages
  • [OBJ] Improve OBJ import and read layer information
  • [DXF] Fix import with nested 'inserts'
  • [Mesher] Improve meshing capabilities for wave-based simulation

SketchUp v1.5.2 - 01/02/2024

  • Check whether the model is empty before sending it to the cloud-based geometry checking
Bug fixes
  • Fix potential race condition affecting the UI when triggering a geometry check

Acoustic simulation suite - 31/01/2024

  • Added ability to edit material names for user created materials
Bug fixes
  • Fix value missing in x-axis for reflection coefficient plots

Geometry Checking Service v1.5.9 - 19/01/2024

Bug fixes
  • [3dm files] ignore block instances
  • [DXF] unpack insert and handle empty geometries
  • [CheckingService] Fix simulation settings not being copied from one to another by ensuring that source object IDs have consistent UUIDs
  • [CheckingService] Fix crash with certain type of invalid geometries

Acoustic simulation suite - 17/01/2024

Bug fixes
  • Fix value missing in x-axis for reflection coefficient plots
  • Fix IR length not updating when materials change

SketchUp v1.5.1 - 16/01/2024

Bug fixes
  • Fix plugin caching previous UI and only displaying blank page after update to 1.5.0

SketchUp v1.5.0 - 15/01/2024

  • Use cloud-based geometry checking (see updated guidelines)
  • Do not remove feedback when changes are done on the model
Bug fixes
  • Model card smaller than other element in UI in SketchUp 23
  • Catch error when checking a model that was never saved before
  • replace 'Open Treble web client' with 'Open Treble web app'

Acoustic simulation suite - 22/12/2023

  • Geometry import inside Treble. Ability to import .dxf, .3dm and .obj files straight into Treble from the project overview page of the app.
  • Max Image source order increased to 10.
  • The phrase "simulation hours" changed to "tokens"
Bug fixes
  • Fix for when the Material panel was open and a surface clicked in the 3D model view, the correct material would not get selected in the Material panel.

Acoustic simulation suite - 12/12/2023

  • Ability to share Auralizations with anyone, via email or copying link.
  • Ability to share user created Materials and Source definitions with members of your organization.
  • Ability to run simulations with Materials and Source definitions created by other members of your organization.
  • 100+ new sounds added to the anechoic sound library in the Auralizer.
  • Ability to filter and search by categories in anechoic sound library.
  • Filters added for Materials and Source definitions: Default, Organization and Created by me.
Bug fixes
  • Fix for when assigning a new material overwrote custom scatter values for other layers.

SketchUp v1.4.10 - 01/12/2023

Bug fixes
  • Ensure that the exported model has its units set to meters

SketchUp v1.4.9 - 30/11/2023

Bug fixes
  • Remove Description field when uploading a model, as it is not currently saved

Acoustic simulation suite - 13/11/2023

  • Open Plan Office ISO-3382-3 Parameter calculations
  • Termination Criteria added to advanced simulations, enabling simulations to stop automatically.
  • Ability to import CLF loudspeaker as directive sources

Acoustic simulation suite - 31/10/2023

  • Ability to organize your auralizations into presets. This feature allows you to maintain an organized overview of your acoustic designs and comparisons.
  • Auralization sounds now have a search functionality
Bug fixes
  • Searching material library when using copy/paste keyboard shortcuts

SketchUp v1.4.5 - 03/10/2023

  • Add possibility for beta users to access cloud-based Geometry Checking Service

SketchUp v1.4.3 - 21/09/2023

  • Improve metadata when reporting geometry issue

Acoustic simulation suite - 05/09/2023

  • Ability to apply a user input scattering coefficient per octave band for Geometrical Acoustic simulations. Toggle between single value scattering or per band scattering for each surface layer.
  • Ability to copy parameter values when viewing results. Click the copy icon your parameter plot, paste into an editor of your choice.

Acoustic simulation suite - 29/08/2023

  • New and improved workflow for creating simulations and materials [NEW button]
  • New multiselect option for point receivers in results, which enables averaging across a custom set of receivers
  • Efficiency improvements in the Wave solver; now 50% faster!

Acoustic simulation suite - 21/08/2023

  • Ability to minimize Auralizer, with buttons to switch between simulations and receivers
  • Ability to minimize the Results comparisons panel
  • Ability to click on heatmaps and see the value of the closest point (CRTL clicking enables ability to select multiple points)
  • Selected sources and receivers are highlighted in the 3D model view

Acoustic simulation suite - 11/08/2023

  • Design of stepper arrows in number inputs unified across browsers
  • Design of app updated for Firefox browsers
Bug fixes
  • Make sure previous plot results are cleared when 'Average results' is selected in the receivers dropdown

Acoustic simulation suite - 31/07/2023

  • Surface receivers and heat maps
  • New results view
  • Live chat

Acoustic simulation suite - 16/06/2023

  • Load own sound in Auralizer
  • Duplicate button when prompted in the Edit window. This creates a new simulation based on the selected simulation, adding " - Copy" to the end of its name.

Acoustic simulation suite - 25/05/2023

  • Material fitting when creating a new material
  • SPL values for Speech changed to 94 in Source details

SketchUp v1.3.0 - 09/05/2023

  • Ability to upload non-watertight models for Geometrical Acoustics analysis only

Acoustic simulation suite - 09/05/2023

  • Non-watertight models are allowed to be uploaded from Sketchup. They can only run the Geometrical acoustics solver
  • Ability to delete materials created by users
  • Ability to hide layers and surfaces in the 3D model view
  • Keyboard shortcuts added, return key submits forms
  • Auralizer look updated + ability to change the original simulation for comparing
Bug fixes
  • Handling expired login token errors

SketchUp v1.2.0 - 04/05/2023

  • Treble SketchUp plugin now supported on MacOS!
Bug fixes
  • Fix some cases wherein faces intersecting the outer shell are missing

SketchUp v1.1.1 - 27/04/2023

  • Use smart grouping when uploading model to Treble Cloud, to minimise number of groups in model
  • Improve open edges feedback with Geometry non-watertight error
  • Improve section Treble in SketchUp > Geometry Feedback in User guide
Bug fixes
  • Ensure that zooming on edges does not get too close
  • Fix faces with inner edges reported as non-watertight in some situations

Acoustic simulation suite - 21/04/2023

  • Administration page added for users with Admin role
  • Label added for 32hz and curve goes down to 20 for Frequency Response plots in the Results view
  • Material panel: Absorption coefficient thumbnail clickable and opens Material details popup
  • Material panel: Default scattering displayed in Material preview
  • 125Hz band (177Hz) set as the minimum Transition frequency
Bug fixes
  • 'Estimate simulation' stops estimating if geometry preprocessing fails
  • Estimate shows more hours if simulation takes more than 1 day (>24hours)
  • Material panel shows values from FittedAbsorptionCoefficients instead of InputAbsorptionCoefficients

Mesher v1.2.0 - 17/04/2023

Use 2 different levels of cleaning to help processing imperfect geometries:
  • Improves success rate of geometry preprocessing for wave-base solver
  • Improves simulation time of geometries with small elements / gaps

SketchUp v1.0.5 - 30/03/2023

Bug fixes
  • Fix issue wherein models with very small faces (<1mm) would be reported as non-watertight
  • Add Invalid Faces (IF) warning when some faces are too small to be processed properly
  • Allow for zooming in on faces - in Exclusions (EX) and Invalid Faces (IF) warnings

Acoustic simulation suite - 29/03/2023

  • A warning added in the Editor when small elements are detected in the mesh
  • Messages added to let the user know if they have Insufficient simulation time
  • Results now have 2 download buttons. One button gets an Excel file for all the parameters of the simulation, and the other button gets the Impulse Responses for all Receivers for the Source that is selected.
Bug fixes
  • Material assignment works correctly if users put tag folders within tag folders in Sketchup

SketchUp v1.0.4 - 28/03/2023

Bug fixes
  • Ensure that excluded elements (outside of the outer shell) are highlighted regardless of their size
  • Ignore faces with very small edges leading to 'Points not planar' error at checking
  • Fix boundary mismatch warning (BM) being too sensitive
  • Decrease line height in input fields to allow displaying multiple lines
  • Clear model list before downloading new list in Fetch

Acoustic simulation suite - 21/03/2023

  • Show a banner if a Trial user has 14 days left and log them out if trial has expired
  • Location check for sources/receivers if they are too close to a surface 0.5m for sources and 0.1m for receivers
  • Coloring sources/recievers orange if they are in an invalid location
  • A link to the Result view was added for each completed simulation in the Recent simulation sidepanel
  • Simulation names in Model details view made into a link that takes the user straight to that simulation in the Editor
Bug fixes
  • Fix for a discrepancy that happened in some cases when decoding Impulse responses, resulting in a user not being able to listen to the IRs in the Auralizer
  • Fix for the Auralizer sound not updating when moving the mouse/head with a receiver selected

Acoustic simulation suite - 15/03/2023

  • Location check for sources/receivers inside model or enclosed geometry
  • Error handling for an invalid model id in Editor

Acoustic simulation suite - 09/03/2023

  • Support popup updated, now supporting 3 issue types
  • 'Number of rays' limited at 25.000 rays
  • Increments for sources and receivers changed to 0.5m XY, 0.1m Z, when using arrow keys
  • Result graphs: Remove Plotly reset axis button and double click functionality

SketchUp v1.0.3 - 09/03/2023

Bug fixes
  • Geometries with several aligned faces would fail processing
  • Some issues were missing when hitting a Geometry not watertight (GW) issue
  • Added Release Notes in the popup menu
  • Update text in support button

Acoustic simulation suite - 07/03/2023

  • Enable user to open simulations directly from a url
  • 'Image source order' limited to order 3
  • Results: Show labels for sources and receivers

SketchUp v1.0.1 - 07/03/2023

Bug fixes
  • Fix geometry analysis cache not cleared up when changes are made with the plugin closed
  • Fix first component assigned to layer 'build copy' on Treble Cloud
  • Include tagged entities in untagged groups
  • Do not show zoom toggle if nothing to zoom on
  • Fix infinite checking with some open surfaces intersections
  • Change Feedback button to Support

Acoustic simulation suite - 03/03/2023

Bug fixes
  • Fixed issues with scattering in user created materials

Acoustic simulation suite - 01/03/2023

Version 1.0

  • A plugin for the 3D design tool Sketchup, that allows you to import your designs to the Treble web application
  • A state of the art wave-based simulation engine for sound simulations
  • A state of the art geometrical acoustics engine for sound simulations
  • Material database and material generator for creating materials fitting your simulation needs
  • Result viewer with calculations of acoustics parameters
  • A fully fledged auralizer enabling an immersive experience of your acoustic design