Classes with Dto
at the end are so called Data Transfer Objects and are classes that are created to hold certain type of data. These classes usually do not provide any functionality other than containing data of a specific type.
Usually these classes are not to be used directly, but in some cases methods will return a Dto
In many cases these classes can be used interchangeably with their non-Dto counterpart. F.ex. when creating a SimulationDefinition
you can supply a ModelDto
or ModelObj
for the model
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
resultStatus | ResultStatusDto | | |
simulationId | string | The unique identifier if the simulation | |
simulationName | string | Simulation name. | |
simulationStatus | string | Simulation status, See treble.SimulationStatus for values. | "Created" |
cancelledTasks | List[CancelTaskDto] | List of cancelled tasks. | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
sourceId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
sourceLabel | string | | |
taskType | string | | |
taskStatus | string | | |
simulationId | string | | |
Contains name and number of elements in category.
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
name | string | Name of category. | |
count | int | Number of elements in category. | |
Contains information on Device.
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | Identifier of device | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | string | | |
description | string | | |
createdAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
updatedAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
projectId | string | Identifier of project this device belongs to. | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
uploadedBy | string | Identifier of user that created this device. | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
filename | string | | |
filesize | int | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | |
groupType | int | | |
surfaceArea | float | | |
layerName | string | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | string | | |
description | string | | |
category | string | | |
materialJson | string | | |
materialMetadataJson | string | | |
defaultScattering | float | | |
userId | string | Identifier of user that create this material if it's user created. | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
organizationId | string | Provided if material is owned by an organization. | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
materialId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
materialName | string | | |
layerId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
layerName | string | | |
scatteringCoefficient | float | | |
Parameter | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | |
taskInfoId | string | | |
modelDefinitionId | string | | |
createdAt | string | | |
taskSuccess | bool | | |
crossoverFrequency | int | | |
elementCount | int | | |
elementsPerWavelength | float | | |
basisOrder | int | | |
faceCount | int | | |
nodeCount | int | | |
elementMinLength | float | | |
elementMaxLength | float | | |
elementMeanLength | float | | |
elementStdLength | float | | |
volume | float | | |
smallestElements | string | | |
meshQualityPercentage | float | | |
meshQualityIndicator | int | | |
fileDownloadInfo | Dict | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | str | | |
description | str | | |
createdAt | str | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
status | str | | |
statusMessage | str | | |
projectId | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
uploadedBy | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
filename | str | | |
filesize | int | | |
geometryLibraryId | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
taskInfoId | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
layers | List[ModelLayerDto] | | |
geometryObjectInfo | Dict[GeometryObjectInfoDto] | | |
geometryGroupTypeToVolume | Dict[int, float] | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | string | | |
model_definition_id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
Contains information on estimated runtime and cost of a Project.
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
projectId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
projectName | string | | |
status | string | | |
projectProgressPercentage | float | | |
simulations | List[SimulationProgressDto] | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
receiverType | string | | |
label | string | | |
x | float | | |
y | float | | |
z | float | | |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
receiverProperties | ReceiverPropertiesDto | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
deviceId | str | Unique identifier of device if receiver is of type Device. | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
azimuthAngle | float | Optional, azimuth angle of receiver, defaults to 0. | |
elevationAngle | float | Optional, elevation angle of receiver, defaults to 0. | |
rollAngle | float | Optional, roll angle of receiver, defaults to 0. | |
spatialRadius | float | Optional, radius og spatial receivers position, defaults to 0.1m | |
ambisonicsOrder | int | Ambisonics order of spatial receivers, allowed values are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. Note: this value overwrites ambisonics order set on simulation level (using SimulationSettingsDto) for this specific receiver | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
updateAvailable | bool | | |
majorVersion | int | | |
minorVersion | int | | |
patchLevel | int | | |
changelog | str | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
name | string | Name of simulation | |
simulationType | string | Type of simulation, DG, GA or Hybrid | |
impulseLengthSec | float | Impulse response length | |
crossoverFrequency | int | Crossover frequency of simulation. | |
modelDefinitionId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
onTaskError | string | On task error behaviour if set. | |
receivers | List[ReceiverDto] | List of receivers. | |
sources | List[SourceDto] | List of sources | |
layerMaterialAssignments | List[MaterialAssignmentDto] | | |
description | string | Simulation description if provided. | |
energyDecayThreshold | EDC threshold if set. | | |
simulationSettings | SimulationSettingsDto | Advanced simulation settings if provided. | |
resultStatus | ResultStatusDto | | |
gpuAllocationStrategy | string | Simulation GpuAllocationStrategy | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
speedOfSound | float | Optional, Speed of sound in the medium, defaults to 343.0. | |
gaSettings | GaSettingsDto | Optional, settings for the geometrical acoustics solver. | |
dgSettings | DgSettingsDto | Optional, settings for the wavebased solver. | |
ambisonicsOrder | int | Ambisonics order of spatial receivers. allowed values are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. Note: if ambisonics order is set on specific receiver (using ReceiverPropertiesDto) then that value overrides this ambisonics order for that specific receiever | |
advancedSettings | Dict[str, str] | Optional, dictionary of advanced settings provided. | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
numberOfRays | int | Number of rays to use in raytracer. Default is 25000. | |
ismOrder | int | Set order for Image Source Method. Default is 2. | |
isAirAbsorptionActive | bool | Enable or disable air absorption. | |
ismRayCount | int | Image Source Method ray count, default is 500.000. | |
writeOutIsmRayPaths | bool | Optional, if set as true all ray path data is included in the GA results. This is an advanced setting and can cause the results files to become very large. | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
polynomialOrder | int | Sets polynomial order of simulation. Default is 4. This is an advanced setting and should not be changed unless getting advice from Treble first. | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
simulationId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
simulationName | string | | |
simulationStatus | string | | |
simulationProgressPercentage | float | | |
sources | SourceDto | | |
Contains information on estimated runtime and cost of a simulation.
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
simulationId | string | Identifier of simulation | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
simulationName | string | | |
totalEstimatedRuntimeHours | float | Total estimated runtime hours for simulation. | |
totalEstimatedCostInTokens | float | Total estimated cost of simulation in tokens. | |
estimatePerSource | SourceEstimateDto | Estimated broken down by simulation sources. | |
resultStatus | ResultStatusDto | | |
meshQualityPercentage | float | Simulation model mesh quality indicator, lower quality usually indicates problems with the model that may increase the runtime and cost. | |
simulationStatus | string | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
simulationId | str | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | str | | |
description | str | | |
sourceResults | ListSourceResultDto] | | |
createdAt | str | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
updatedAt | str | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
simulationType | str | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
createdAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
taskType | string | DG, GA, Hybrid,... | |
subType | string | | |
sourceId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
dataFileUrl | string | Signed url to the simulation task result IRs as a .zip archive, signed urls have expire within a few hours. | |
jsonFileUrl | string | Signed url to the simulation task results parameters as json, signed urls have expire within a few hours. | |
resultJson | string | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
sourceType | string | | |
label | string | | |
x | float | | |
y | float | | |
z | float | | |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
sourceProperties | SourcePropertiesDto | | |
tasks | TaskInfoDto | | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
azimuthAngle | float | | |
elevationAngle | float | | |
sourceDirectivityId | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
sourceId | string | | |
sourceLabel | string | | |
estimatedRuntimeHours | float | | |
estimatedCostInTokens | float | | |
estimatedGpusAllocated | int | Estimated number of GPUs required to run the wave-based part simulation if applicable. | |
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
id | string | | '380a3980-721a-4e80-95df-484f519c525c' |
name | string | | |
taskType | string | | |
status | string | | |
createdAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
startedAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
completedAt | string | | '2023-09-06 10:39:24' |
progressPercentage | float | | |
statusMessage | string | | |
taskSubType | string | | |
When available this object contains information whether the operation attempted was successful. For information on available result codes see Appendix I - ResultCode
Property | Type | Description | Example value |
result_code | int | Result code, if not 0 then the operation did not complete successfully. | |
result_code_name | string | Name of the project | |
message | string | Description of project given by the user | |
Appendix I - ResultCode
Code | Name | Description |
0 | Ok | |
100 | SimulationNotReady | |
110 | SimulationLocked | |
115 | SimulationEndState | |
101 | SourceDirectivityNotReady | |
116 | SourceDirectivityEndState | |
200 | InvalidMaterialAssignment | |
201 | UnableToValidateMaterialAssignment | |
202 | TooManyMeshElementsError | |
500 | Error | |