Sound strength, G, represents the logarithmic ratio of this sound energy to that of the response measured in a free field at 10 m distance from the sound source. [1]
G can be calculated according to the following equation, where t=0 corresponds to the start of the direct sound, and ∞ to a time that is greater than or equal to the point at which the decay curve has decreased by 30 dB.
G=10lg∫te∞h102(t)dt∫0∞h2(t)dt=LpE−LpE,10dB The terms LpE and LpE,10 can be expressed as:
LpE=10lg[T01∫0∞p02h2(t)dt]dB and
LpE,10=10lg[T01∫0∞p02h102(t)dt]dB where
h(t) is the impulse response measured at the measurement point;
h10(t) is the impulse response measured at a distance of 10 m in a free field,
p0 is 20 µPa;
T0 = 1 s
LpE is the sound pressure exposure level of p(t);
LpE,10 is the sound pressure exposure level of p10(t).
[1] ISO 3382-1:2009 Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 1: Performance spaces.