📄️ Generate grids
In the Treble SDK, you can generate uniform grids of source or receiver positions. At the same time, you can set up certain rules that the generated grid points must fulfil. For example, you can generate grids, where all positions have a minimum distance from all surfaces in the model. The grid points can also be generated such that they have a minimum distance from specified points, allowing you to generate a receiver grid around a set of sound sources, while maintaining a minimum source-receiver distance. The grid positions can either be drawn randomly from inside the model, or from within a specified $$x$$-, $$y$$-, or $$z$$-coordinate range. The grid resolution is customizable in all dimensions.
📄️ Generate random valid positions
In the Treble SDK, you can generate random positions for sources or receivers according to certain rules. For example, you can generate positions that have a minimum distance from all surfaces in the model, from other sources or receivers, or from other points that are generated in the current generation process. The positions can either be drawn randomly from inside the model, or from within a specified $$x$$-, $$y$$-, or $$z$$-coordinate range.