📄️ Overview
The free field simulation is a special type of simulation in the treble SDK that can be used to study acoustic properties of devices in anechoic conditions. The simualation uses a dg simulation type, where the source is assigned as boundaryvelocity source. The free field simulation type can be accessed through the trebletsdk.free_field module, where all the main functionality and helpers of the feature can be found. This module is referred to as ff in the following pages.
📄️ Simulations
The workflow of the free field simulation is conceptually similar to that of creating an ordinary simulation. See the details in the steps below.
📄️ Analyzing results
Once the free field simulation has completed, the results of the free field simulation can be accessed through the specific FreeFieldResultsObjects using .getresultsobject() on the simulation directly. This object can be used as the regular results object to study the result of each receiver indivually using the .getmonoir() endpoint, but the FreeFieldResultsObject also has the following methods to analyse the free field results:
📄️ Creating models
Two types of source models can automatically be created from a free field simulations: