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Treble samples spatial sound fields to spatial receiver in spherical harmonics domain. The default order is 2nd order ambisonics and the orientation is towards positive xx axis [1,0,0][1, 0, 0]. The image below shows the default orientation in the cartesian coordinate system with a receiver located at [0,0,0][0, 0, 0]

Visualization of default orientation of a spatial receiver.
from treble_tsdk import treble

receiver_list = [
position=treble.Point3d(x=1.5, y=4, z=1.5),

The order can be changed through ambisonics_order, treble supports ambisoncis orders 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32.

Format of data

The spatial receiver generates a spatial impulse response with (n+1)2(n+1)^2 channels per order nn. The data is formatted in ACN channel order with SN3D normalization.