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Creating a simulation

Projects, spaces & models

Take a look at our project structure to see how a simulation fits into the flow of projects, spaces and models, so you can organize your simulations and keep a clean overview of your acoustic designs

Creating a simulation

To create a simulation, open your model in the editor. Then click the + New button in the header and in the drop-down menu select Simulation.

This opens the Create new simulation popup where you can choose to either create a new simulation or "Duplicate simulation settings".

New simulation

If this is the first simulation in a project you will need to create a new simulation.

Once you have given it a name (e.g. “Absorbing ceiling v1”) and added a more detailed description for your simulation (if wanted) click on the Add button to proceed.


For keyboard shortcuts, you may utilize the "Enter" key to submit.

Duplicate simulation settings

It's also possible to copy existing simulation settings (materials, sources/receivers and settings) from previous simulations. All simulations in the space your current model is in, will appear in the dropdown menu and you can select them as a template for a new simulations.

You can also duplicate your simulation by opening the action menu and clicking Duplicate. This copies the simulation settings and creates a new simulation based on them.


How to create a simulation in Treble: