Creating and sharing materials
To create a new material, click the New button and in the drop-down menu click Material.
You will be prompted with a popup where you can choose between importing or inputting the desired absorption coefficients of the material you want to create, or create a material based on its construction in the material builder.
📄️ Using absorption coefficients
After selecting the Material section in the New drop-down menu you'll be presented with the material import/input view as shown in the image below:
📄️ Using the material builder
The material builder allows you to define an absorber based on its construction and let Treble calculate the corresponding impedance and absorption values. It is currently in beta and will be improved and expanded upon in the near future.
📄️ Sharing created materials
You are able to share the materials that you've personally created with your organization, allowing team members to access and utilize the resources you've developed!